
Do Not Let Soreness Sideline You

Exercising, daily activities, or sports may cause soreness, but should not cause pain. Ignoring sore muscles, aching joints, or stiff movements can lead to further damage. That does not mean; however, that minor soreness should result in watching rather than participating. Over-the-counter (OTC) tapes, splints, compression sleeves, and supports are designed to keep people moving when soreness strikes. Protection They are also excellent ways to add strength to a weak muscle group or joint, prevent an injury due to repetition, or protect a previous injury from resulting in a new one. This is why professional tennis players wear elbow supports, gymnasts tape their hands and fingers, and skiers can be seen with knee braces and supports . If the protection is sufficient for professional athletes, it will definitely be sufficient for junior leagues, high school sports, and backyard quarterbacks. Select High-Quality Products There are several high-quality products that are priced to be...